Sautéed Artichokes
Cooking Time

If you’re looking for a simple yet delightful dish to spruce up your dinner table, look no further than sautéed artichokes! With their unique flavor and satisfying texture, these beauties are super easy to prepare and make for a vibrant side or light appetizer. The method is straightforward, and the results are simply delicious. A quick sauté in olive oil with a hint of garlic is all it takes to bring out the best in these lovely vegetables. Trust me, once you try this, it will quickly become a go-to for your meals!

  1. Start by cleaning 20 raw artichokes; trim the ends and cut them into thin slices.
  2. In a non-stick pan, heat 4 tablespoons of olive oil until it's hot and shimmering.
  3. Add the sliced artichokes to the hot oil, stirring continuously to prevent them from sticking. Sauté for at least 10 minutes, ensuring they brown slowly but remain slightly crispy and tender in the center.
  4. Right before removing the artichokes from heat, sprinkle them with salt and stir in a pinch of chopped garlic and chopped parsley to elevate the flavors.
  5. Serve your sautéed artichokes warm and enjoy as a delightful side dish!
  • Artichokes | 20
  • Olive oil | 4 tablespoons
  • Salt | to taste
  • Garlic | a pinch
  • Parsley | to taste
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