American-Style Lobster
Cooking Time

Experience a taste of the ocean with this exquisite American-Style Lobster recipe, perfect for special occasions or lavish dinner parties. Tender lobster is seared to perfection with a hint of brandy, then finished with a luxurious American sauce that envelops each bite in richness and flavor. This dish not only looks stunning on the plate but also delivers a sophisticated taste that will leave your guests asking for seconds.

Preparation is straightforward yet elegant, making it accessible for home cooks aiming to impress. Simply cook the lobsters, sear them, and toss them in a delicious sauce – it’s a recipe that brings the bounty of the sea to your dining table in style. Don’t miss the opportunity to indulge in this sumptuous classic, and enjoy the rave reviews that follow!

  1. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil (about 20 g of salt per liter), then add 2 lobsters and cook until boiling fiercely, then drain and let them cool.
  2. Once cooled, break down the lobsters by separating the tails, claws, and heads. Cut the tails into thick medallions, remain slightly raw in the center. Crack the claws slightly and split the heads in half, removing any cartilage.
  3. In a wide, shallow pan, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of butter until hot. Sear the lobster pieces on each side for about 2 minutes until golden.
  4. Pour 1 tablespoon of brandy into the pan to infuse the lobster with its rich flavor.
  5. Add 250 ml of warm American sauce, letting it boil for about 5 minutes to reduce and adhere to the lobster pieces.
  6. Season with salt as needed and serve hot, savoring the rich flavors of your American-style lobster.
  • Lobster | 2
  • American sauce | 250 ml
  • Brandy | 1 tablespoons
  • Olive oil | 1 tablespoons
  • Butter | 1 tablespoons
  • Salt | to taste
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