Cooking Time

If you’re on the lookout for a unique and flavorful dip, Almogrote is your answer! This creamy cheese spread from the Canary Islands brings together the rich taste of aged goat cheese with the smokiness of roasted bell peppers, creating a delightful concoction that pairs perfectly with toasted bread. It’s easy to whip up, making it a fantastic option for gatherings or simply as a treat for yourself! Trust me, once you start spreading this on your toast, you won’t want to stop!

  1. Get your blender ready! Combine 50 g of palm pepper, 25 g of garlic, 1 teaspoon of cumin, 150 g of blanched, peeled, and seedless tomato, 200 ml of olive oil, and 1 cayenne pepper.
  2. Blend all these ingredients together for about 5 minutes until the mixture is smooth and well combined.
  3. In a separate bowl, place 200 g of grated aged goat cheese. Pour the blended mixture over the cheese.
  4. Gently mix everything together until you achieve a nice homogeneous consistency.
  5. Serve your creamy Almogrote with slices of toasted bread for an irresistible appetizer or snack!
  • Aged goat cheese | 200 gr | grated
  • Palm pepper | 50 gr
  • Garlic | 25 gr
  • Cumin | 1 teaspoons
  • Blanched, peeled, and seedless tomato | 150 gr
  • Olive oil | 200 ml
  • Cayenne pepper | 1
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