Cabbage with Juniper, Orange, and Apricot
Cooking Time

Transform your meals with this vibrant Cabbage with Juniper, Orange, and Apricot dish! This refreshing side combines the earthiness of cabbage with the sweet and aromatic notes of orange and dried apricots. Juniper berries add a unique twist that elevates this colorful preparation, making it perfect for pairing with grilled fish or roasted chicken. This dish not only looks appealing on your plate but also fills your kitchen with delightful fragrances that will tantalize your senses. The result is a side dish that’s as delicious as it is visually stunning.

Simple yet impressive, this recipe is a fantastic way to make cabbage the star of your next meal. With just a few ingredients and easy steps, you’ll create a delightful accompaniment that will bring a fresh twist to the dinner table. Whether it’s a casual family meal or a special gathering, this dish is sure to impress!

  1. Start by blanching 500 g of cabbage leaves in a large pot of salted boiling water for 3 minutes. Once done, quickly transfer them to a bowl of ice water to halt the cooking process.
  2. Once the cabbage leaves have cooled, remove the tough stems and veins. Slice them into 1-inch wide strips for easier cooking and serving.
  3. In a saucepan, combine the blanched cabbage, 80 g of butter, 80 ml of orange juice, 12 crushed juniper berries, and 80 g of julienned dried apricots. Cook over medium heat until everything is well combined and heated through.
  4. Once heated, give everything a good mix and serve hot as a delightful side dish, particularly delicious paired with grilled fish.
  • Cabbage leaves | 500 gr | blanched and tough stems removed
  • Butter | 80 gr
  • Orange juice | 80 ml
  • Juniper berries | 12
  • Dried apricots | 80 gr | julienned
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