Elegant Duck Breast Duo: Seared with Mushroom Sauce and in Salad
Cooking Time

Delight in the sophistication of the Elegant Duck Breast Duo—two exquisite recipes that showcase the rich flavors of duck in an unforgettable culinary experience. The first recipe features seared duck breast paired with a luxurious mushroom sauce, created by simmering earthy mushrooms in cognac and cream. This dish is perfect for special occasions or when you just want to treat yourself to something indulgent. Serve with buttered carrots for a truly elegant plate!

The second recipe transforms your salad into a gourmet delight, using marinated duck magret and a zesty vinaigrette made with honey and citrus. With fresh watercress, figs, and vibrant spices, this salad perfectly balances the richness of the duck. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or enjoying a fine meal at home, this duo is sure to impress and elevate your dining experience.

  1. Begin with the mushroom sauce: in a pan, sauté sliced chanterelle and portobello mushrooms along with a poached onion. Once they've cooked down a bit, splash in 50 cl of cognac and flambé to release the flavors.
  2. Add 350 cl of meat stock and 150 cl of cooking cream to the pan. Simmer the mixture for 15 minutes until thickened.
  3. Blend this luxurious sauce until smooth, then add three walnut-sized chunks of butter, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. For plating, quickly sauté some extra chanterelle mushrooms in butter for garnish.
  5. Now, prepare the duck breast by scoring the skin in a diamond pattern. Sear the duck breasts in a hot pan until golden on both sides, then transfer them to an oven preheated to 180°C (356°F) for about 8 minutes. Let them rest for 5-10 minutes after cooking.
  6. For the salad (Magret Salad): Toast some spices like turmeric, nutmeg, smoked paprika, and cumin until fragrant.
  7. Sear a halved fig in the same pan you cooked the duck magret (2 pieces), seasoned with salt and pepper, until browned.
  8. Combine the toasted spices in a bowl with 3 tablespoons of honey and the juice of ¼ of an orange to make a vinaigrette. Set aside some vinaigrette for drizzling later.
  9. Marinate the sliced magret with some of the vinaigrette while you prepare the salad.
  10. Assemble your salad with fresh watercress, quartered figs, orange segments, finely chopped red and green chili, bean sprouts, and dill. Drizzle with the remaining vinaigrette mixed with olive oil.
  • Duck Breast | 2
  • Chanterelle Mushrooms | to taste
  • Portobello Mushrooms | to taste
  • Onion Large
  • Cognac | 50 cl
  • Meat Stock | 350 cl
  • Cooking Cream | 150 cl
  • Butter | 3 chunks | walnut-sized
  • Salt | to taste
  • Pepper | to taste
  • Carrots | to taste
  • Duck Magret | 2
  • Turmeric | to taste
  • Nutmeg | to taste
  • Smoked Paprika | to taste
  • Cumin | to taste
  • Fig Large
  • Honey | 3 tablespoons | for vinaigrette
  • Orange
  • Watercress | to taste
  • Red Chili | to taste
  • Green Chili | to taste
  • Bean Sprouts | to taste
  • Dill | to taste
  • Olive Oil | to taste
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