Gitana Stew with Jerez Style
Cooking Time

Gitana Stew with Jerez Style is a hearty dish that transports you straight to the warm heart of Andalusia with every spoonful. This traditional Spanish recipe brings together a delightful mix of white beans, chickpeas, and flavorful meats, simmered to perfection. The combination of sweet paprika and tender vegetables creates a rich tapestry of flavors that evoke the comfort of a home-cooked family meal. It’s perfect for gatherings, filling the kitchen with not just warmth but also the incredible aroma of authentic Spanish cuisine.

As you savor this dish, you’ll appreciate the endless layers of taste and the way each ingredient melds together. Ideal for impressing guests or simply enjoying a cozy night in, Gitana Stew is more than just a meal—it’s a heartwarming experience celebrating the love of good food and cherished traditions. So gather your loved ones, serve this soul-soothing stew, and create memories around the table!

  1. Soak 250 g of white beans and 250 g of chickpeas in water overnight to soften them.
  2. In a pot, bring cold water to a boil and add 100 g of fresh bacon, 175 g of fresh black pudding, 150 g of chorizo, 150 g of beef shank, and 200 g of fresh pork ribs. Skim off any foam that rises to the surface as it cooks.
  3. In a separate large pot, heat 50 ml of olive oil and sauté 125 g of diced pumpkin, 75 g of potatoes cut into chunks, and 150 g of green beans for about 5 minutes until just tender.
  4. Stir in 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika and add 1 meat broth cube. Then, add the soaked beans and chickpeas along with all the meats from the first pot. Pour in enough water to cover the ingredients.
  5. Allow the stew to simmer on low heat for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
  6. In a mortar, crush 2 cloves of garlic with a pinch of cumin and add this mixture to the stew. Season to taste with salt and serve hot for a comforting meal.
  • White beans | 250 gr | dried
  • Chickpeas | 250 gr | dried
  • Fresh bacon | 100 gr
  • Iberian black pudding | 175 gr | or onion pudding
  • Chorizo | 150 gr
  • Beef shank | 150 gr
  • Fresh pork ribs | 200 gr
  • Olive oil | 50 ml
  • Sweet paprika | ½ tsp
  • Pumpkin | 125 gr | diced
  • Potatoes | 75 gr | cut into chunks
  • Green beans | 150 gr
  • Meat broth cube | 1
  • Garlic | 2 cloves
  • Cumin | a pinch
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