Saffron Clams
Cooking Time

Dive into a culinary masterpiece with Saffron Clams (*Berberechos al azafrán*), a dish that perfectly blends the delicate flavors of fresh clams with aromatic saffron. This exquisite recipe highlights the luxurious combination of butter and cream, creating a rich and satisfying sauce that beautifully complements the tender mollusks. Ideal for special occasions or a romantic dinner, these clams will amaze your guests with their vibrant color and depth of flavor!

Prepare to transport your palate to the seaside with every bite. The earthiness of saffron melds seamlessly with sautéed scallions and fennel, offering a delightful crunch and bringing out the natural sweetness of the clams. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or just looking to impress, this dish is straightforward to make and guarantees a dinner that’s as delicious as it is visually stunning. Perfect for seafood lovers, it’s a true taste of Mediterranean cuisine!

  1. Begin by rinsing 1 kg of clams in a large bowl of water mixed with 2 tablespoons of coarse salt. Let them soak for 2 hours to purge any sand. Carefully remove the clams, keeping the sand settled at the bottom of the bowl.
  2. In a saucepan, place the cleaned clams and add 40g of butter along with a dash of freshly ground black pepper. Cover with a lid and set the heat to high, stirring occasionally. As soon as the clams start to open, use a slotted spoon to transfer them to a serving dish. Strain and reserve the cooking liquid.
  3. In another saucepan, melt the remaining 40g of butter over low heat. Add the chopped scallions and diced fennel, sautéing for about 2 minutes while stirring regularly.
  4. Pour in the reserved clam cooking liquid and bring it to a boil for 3 minutes. Stir in 100ml of cream and 8 threads of saffron, reducing the mixture by half until it thickens slightly.
  5. Return the clams to the saucepan along with 2 tablespoons of chopped chives. Mix everything well, ensuring the clams are coated in that delicious saffron sauce. Serve hot and enjoy!
  • Clams (Berberechos) | 1 kg | cleaned
  • Butter | 80 gr
  • Fennel bulb | 80 gr | diced
  • Scallions | 80 gr | diced
  • Liquid cream | 100 ml
  • Saffron | 8 threads
  • Chives | 2 tablespoons | chopped
  • Black pepper | to taste
  • Coarse salt | to taste
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